Join the surgery

Registering with a GP practice

We are pleased to welcome you to our practice

To register permanently, you’ll need to complete a registration form. You can either:

  • Download a registration form, complete it, and then return to practice by handing at reception or emailing it, please phone/ask at reception for email address.
  • You can also collect a paper registration form from reception.
  • We also require a patient questionnaire to be completed and returned with your registration form.

For registration it is recommended that you provide confirmation of your identity and address this can be in the form of drivers license, passport, utility bill etc.  

This means you can be matched to your existing NHS records. 

If you require repeat medication please make an appointment with the doctor, if you are on five or more medicines please make this a double appointment.  Thereafter you will be able to order repeat prescriptions as detailed below.

Please register for online access for repeat prescriptions, this can be done at reception desk.  If you do not have online access we can take prescriptions over the telephone between the hours of 10am-4pm.

 We strongly recommend that you make an appointment with our practice nurse to have a new patient check within the first 3 months of registering. 

Practice area

This map is approximate.  Boundaries for the practice are strictly adhered to.

A more detailed map is available to view in the Practice.

Practice Boundary

Your address is within the catchment area.
Your address is outside of the catchment area.
Address not found.


If you are a carer please note that the doctors and nurses at the practice are keen to help and support you as much as they can.  Please refer to the carers section on our website for useful information, registration form and details of the local carers centre or contact the practice on 01324 812315 for help and advice on accessing benefits and carers services.

In the meantime if you wish the services of a Doctor, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01324 812315.

Registering as a Temporary Resident

If you are ill while away from home of if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can recieve urgent treatment from the local GP Practice. 

To register as a temporary patient, simply contact the local Practice that covers the address you are staying at. Practices do no have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. 

You cannot register as a temporary patient at a Practice in the town or area where you are already registered.